Tile & Grout

We have the answer to all your Tile & Grout cleaning needs!

Tile & Grout

There's No One Better in Vegas, than Us!

Call Us at (805) 253-2549  or schedule an appointment online today!

Did You Know?

Let’s face it – you probably love your tiled kitchen and bathroom but can’t remember the last time you loved your grout. The days when the tile sparkled and the grout beautifully outlined each individual square with a clean, gleaming hue are long past.

Fortunately, we can send your tile and grout back to the glory days in just a matter of hours. Carpet Cleaning Las Vegas is the local expert in all things cleaning. We cater to those especially irritating cleaning jobs that had you had time for, you swear you would do them yourself.

Las Vegas Tile & Grout Cleaning Las Vegas, NV.
Las Vegas Tile & Grout Cleaning Las Vegas, NV.
Las Vegas Tile & Grout Cleaning Las Vegas, NV.

Why Should You Clean It At All?

Tile and grout are typically found in areas that receive a moderate amount of moisture. The problem is, this moisture is invariably associated with bacteria and mold. You’re probably thinking, “I already knew that!” However, what you may not know is that the dark-colored grout that you see in your bathroom and kitchen indicates that there are layers of bacteria growing there. The bacteria easily enter the porous grout, while the tile, which is solid, does not easily show the bacteria resting on top. However, don’t be fooled – it’s definitely there.

The good news

Fortunately, cleaning tile and grout is extremely simple. The bad news is that it’s really only that simple for us. For you, it’s a completely different story. It could easily take more than a weekend of solid scrubbing each and every one of those grout lines and tile. Our team, on the other hand, have awesome machinery that handles all the hard, physical work for us. Our cleaning specialists provide the cleaning solutions and will help you decide whether your grout and tile can be cleaned, or if you need to re-grout. If the job looks like it only needs a good cleaning, you can stand back and watch in awe as we cut your potential weekend-long chore down to an hour-long spectacle of cleaning delight.

Tile and grout aren’t the only areas of your home that are exposed to bacteria. Your carpets, upholstery, and even air ducts also contain air pollutants and other dirt and grime. For more information on our tile and grout cleaning or on our many other cleaning services, contact Carpet Cleaning Las Vegas today!

There's No One Better in Vegas, than Us!

Call Us at (805) 253-2549 or schedule an appointment online today!


What People Say

Every month Carpet Cleaning Las Vegas comes by and does a fantastic job for my family and I. One time I spilled wine on my white area rug and they got it all out like it was new again!
Ellina W
Las Vegas Carpet Cleaning stands out with their consistency. Every time they come by I experience the same. In and out quickly, they don’t touch anything but what they’re cleaning and then they’re gone and I get my office clean!
Franklin G.
Las Vegas Carpet Cleaning . Com is the best. Hands down they clean better than anyone else in Vegas. I always call the professionals at carpet cleaning las vegas!
Jeff W.
Carpet Cleaning Las Vegas are so professional and good there’s no reason for me to think of anyone else anytime I or anyone else needs professional cleaning services. They know how to clean anything!
Sarah S.

Some Facts

We’ve accumulated some outstanding facts in the last 8 years open for business, check them out!

Years Open
Rooms Cleaned
Happy Customers
Rugs Restored